Travel Tip: Pack Medications for Emergencies

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We traveled to upstate New York for Thanksgiving this year. We arrived at my in-laws house about 10pm on Wednesday night. Mr. B (age 5) had a slight cough when we put him to bed but I thought nothing of it. He awoke at 2am crying that his head hurt and he needed medicine. He had a fever and was congested. Unfortunately I had not packed any medications and my in-laws had nothing that would work for a young child. Mr. B and I tossed and turned until about 6am.

When my father in-law woke, he drove me to a store. It was a bit of a treacherous drive as the roads were covered with icy snow and the snow was still coming down. I made a mental note, next time we travel I will always pack Ibuprofen and Tylenol for the kids. Not only did my little guy have to suffer for a few hours, but I spent a lot of money buying medications that were not on sale!

We ended up having to take Mr. B to Urgent Care on Thanksgiving as his fever reached 104.5. A double ear infection and possible strep throat!

So when you travel, pack an emergency supply of medications! You never know when someone is going to get sick in the middle of the night.

For more travel tips, make sure you checkout my previous travel tips posts.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. […] test last week as hubby and both boys were very sick. You might remember that we had to take Mr. B to urgent care on Thanksgiving with a 104 degree fever. Mr. B slept with me for three nights since he was so sick. I was fully […]