Tireless Travel: Four Wheel Luggage

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Every summer, I (Litsa) travel to Greece with my daughter! She’s now five point five but will soon be six for our next vacation to Greece! After each trip, I TRY to reflect on what would make our trip easier….tireless perhaps!?! If in-flight for 12 hours is tiredness waiting to happen—then what can help us!?! The ease of luggage!?! One suitcase each is our limit for flights. And if I could combine our clothes, belongings and more into one suitcase for two, I would….I could TRY. I will try….I tend to come home from vacation with one suitcase (since I give away older clothes and leave all toiletries behind…toss magazines…books…refrain from purchasing unnecessary items..)…

Suitcases!?! They don’t have to be my favorite color or monogrammed….or classy just easy to pull, tug, toss!?! I love the new feature of the “lightweight” suitcase but I REALLY love four wheel luggage! I didn’t have any four wheeled pieces of luggage but travelers sure did look tireless when they would pull their 4-wheel luggage in the airport.

Traveling alone with my daughter, I wanted tireless luggage. So lightweight and four wheeled was on my list of wants. I searched TJMaxx, Ross, Marshalls, and other retail stores for discounted luggage with four wheels…and spotted one with a RED sticker marked down from retail value of $140. Yikes! I wouldn’t ever pay that price since luggage tossed around luggage belts and airplanes get marks all over them, broken zippers, and more nicks on them than one can count. IF I get more than four trips out of my luggage without it being heavily damaged, I’m happy.

Now to find out if four wheel luggage makes travel tireless….

Make sure to checkout all of our other travel tips!

Photo Credit: Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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  1. […] Tireless Travel: Four Wheel Luggage (Leaving this luggage behind for my husband to use if he can join us—although I’ll miss the four wheels that I was looking forward to enjoying!?!) […]