Speedy Workouts | Short Burst Workouts

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August is here. In Tennessee, that means school is in session—-a week behind us already. So maybe the only speedy workout that I (Litsa) need is how to get out the backdoor before the tardy bell rings!?!

In addition to school routines, healthy cooking is in order at home——and in my household ORDER in the house! I like organization but I also like workouts that keep me energized enough to keep the order….to put the laundry in the washer, fold the dried laundry, iron (I’m told by friends that I’m the only one that irons all her clothes!?!)……and workouts sometimes for me attach the word “Speed” in front of them—speed workouts!?! I like that because it speeds “workout” off my to do list and I’m ready for whatever comes next.

I was intrigued when I found this information in my Shape magazine this past winter: Learn to like speed work.

I speed.

I work.

So maybe, I can learn to like speed work.

Here’s what was noted:

“If you don’t have great love for intervals, make them just 30 seconds. When people sprinted for 30, 60, or 120 seconds (all sets were performed with equal work-to-rest ratios and overall work volume was the same), those who had the shortest sets burned just as many calories as those who had the longest ones but said the exercise felt a lot easier, finds a study but the University of South Florida. Here’s why:

  • Thirty-second bursts are not overly fatiguing so you’re able to recover fully for each set versus after a longer interval.
  • Because they’re not as exhausting as longer ones, you’re more likely to get in more sets per session, researchers say.”

Overall, this speed work research is food for thought. I like speed work—not just interval running sprints but jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, etc. I’m a mom. That’s my number one job. While I’m waiting, I can speedy quick get in a few jumping jacks or squats—-and usually I’m not focused on the situation at hand that might frustrate me more & sometimes (most times), I get a laugh from my daughter or at least a, “what are you doing, mom?”!

Speedy workouts right where you are—why not?

They are affective for me.

Credit: Shape magazine for research stated/quoted

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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  1. I love the idea of sneaking in a 30 second interval while between various household tasks. I have this sudden vision of my boys laughing as I do squats while the bathtub is filling with water. I can do pretty much anything for 30 seconds. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Kariane recently posted..Snuggle Time as MeditationMy Profile

  2. You are welcome! Laughter is good for the soul! While getting FIT, you’ll also leave your boys with the inspiration to maintain FITNESS at all levels in their lives too! Have fun Kariane!