Paper Coterie FREE Downloads

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Are you packing lunches & slipping in little notes for your children this week? I found some lunch card tags that I had ordered years ago……I couldn’t believe it was already time to start writing notes to my little four year old! She beamed with excitement when I asked her about it after school. Thus, I had to share Paper Coterie’s FREE Downloads! They are adorable! Paper Coterie says that, “Notes to our kids are a great way for them to learn the value of the written word.  More importantly, it’s a message about how truly valuable they are to us.  We love this quote from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

The heart has its own memory, like the mind, and in it are enshrined the precious keepsakes, into which is wrought the giver’s loving thought.”

And oh! How I agree! Yesterday on the first day of school, my four year old passed out treats to several of the teachers! Today, she found a note in her cubbie. She opened it. I asked her to read it to me and tell me who it’s from! She’s four! She looked at the pictures of the kitty cats on the note and said it’s from Mrs. Donna and her cat, Mister! My toddler wanted to buy and share cat food with him. The note was one of thanks. We’ll reread it again when she returns home from school but that moment of sheer delight as she was “reading” the note to me was priceless!

Don’t miss out on these magical moments! Download these FREEBIES from Paper Coterie today! And browse their selection of paper products for any gifts you might want to buy now or in the near future!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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