One of Those Days…

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Saturday morning. It’s a day off from work and you would think it would be a fun family day. However, it has turned into one of those days. You know the kind where everyone should just go back to bed for a do over?

It all started with Mr. B waking up just before 6 am in order to use the potty. Yes, we are working on potty training- he is doing really well. Almost to well in fact. Of course he won’t go back to sleep now. So the whole family is up bright and early on a Saturday -eek! Since no one received enough sleep, it was only a matter of time before the tantrums ensued.

It’s the kind of day where hubby and I are constantly grinding our teeth trying to hold back words. It’s not an easy task when you have a 2 year old screaming bloody murder in the car! It was so bad that even Capt. M was plugging his ears!

Being a parent is tough some days. But I always remember that there are so many good things that make it well worth it. In these situations, I reflect on the week and all of the good moments we had.

Kids are funny and I get a kick out of what my boys say. Here are a few of my favorite sayings from the week:

Capt. M: “Mom this cherry Jell-O is soooo good! What kind of ingredients did you use?”

Mr. B: “Mom you look like a girl.”
Me: “Yes, I am a girl. Are you saying that because I am wearing a pink shirt?”
Mr. B: “Yes. I don’t like it; change your shirt.”

Capt. M: “I don’t think Santa will come next year because you are moving all of the stuff. He won’t know this is my house.” (We are currently rearranging the furniture and painting.)

The scene: We are driving in the car passing a field of cows.
Capt. M: “Milk comes from cows. I have a great idea! When our milk jug is empty, we should bring it back to this field and wait for  the cows to make milk!”

How do you deal with stressful days? I would love to hear the funny phrases your kids say!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Ira - Corpus Christi, TX says:

    When my youngest son was 2 he pretty mastered putting on his shoes by himself. So one day he comes to me and asks if his shoes are on right. I look and tell him to turn them around. He looks at me perhaps a little confused, then turns is a cirle, looks at me again and says, How’s that? I said that was really good; now sit down, take your shows off and put them on the other feet. Problem Solved. Today that little fella is 29 years old and a world class freestyle tattoo artist.

  2. I overheard this in the grocery by a little girl to her dad,, “But Mommy knows where everything is!”
    Thought this board would appreciate that!

    • So cute! I am sure daddy was thinking the same thing and wondering why he was on that mission!

      When I send hubby to the grocery store, I have to write down exact details- especially if I give him coupons!