Try Something New: Chestnuts

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Our try something new this week were CHESTNUTS—a beautiful seasonal nut!

“Mommy, I’ve never eaten these before!” exclaimed my 5.5 year old daughter at Kroger earlier this month! With a steep price tag and a budget that I wanted to adhere to, I was reluctant to give in this time. I (Litsa) coaxed her to wait for a few more days and that we’d buy them when they went on sale! And they did…one bag of chestnuts were marked with a manager’s special tag of $1.00 each. Thus, we bought two bags to bring home.

When we arrived home, I allowed my daughter to try her first chestnut. We cracked the outer shell and revealed the nut that was wrapped in a skin-like brown wrapping that is edible. We peeled as much of it off for her to see the yellowish, golden chestnut inside. She ate three of them back to back noting that she liked them!!


Chestnuts are soft, sweet and nutty! They have a high starch content—a low fat and high fiber treat! Growing up, my mom always split them open at the tip and roasted them in the oven. Once they cooled, she’d peel them and we’d devour all of them.

How do you crack & roast these chestnuts?

First, using the tip of a sharp paring knife, score an X on the flat side of the chestnut. Then, place these chestnuts on a baking sheet—roast in a 425 degree oven for 25 minutes or until tender. This will cause the X to pop open a little. While the chestnuts are still hot, peel the shell, then remove the papery outer skin. Once they cool, the shells are difficult to remove. Either way, you can still enjoy the tender, sweet baked chestnuts.

Have you tried anything new this week?

Photo Credit: Bing

Photo Credit: Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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