National Grilled Cheese Day

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grilled cheese

April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Day—-who needs a reason why!?! You might only need to use this day to sit down alone, with a friend, or with the family to enjoy the most decadent and popular comfort food in the world.


Bread, cheese, butter.

Let’s eat!

But wait, what kind of cheese did you use in your grilled cheese: Was it Provolone, Baby Swiss, Feta, American, mild cheddar, mozzarella—-did you use crumbles or slices? I (Litsa) love to blend three different cheeses on my grilled cheese. It’s sheer gooey-yumminess to have all these wonderful cheese flavors sing songs of comfort. I sometimes even skip the butter and toast my grilled cheese with olive oil and add a touch of fresh oregano on top of my sandwich. I love grilled cheeses sliced into squares, triangles, or grilled cheese fingers.

Just as long as I have an excuse to indulge in one or more grilled cheese sandwiches….

blueberry grilled cheese

And you can even have grilled cheese for breakfast with this blueberry breakfast grilled cheese sandwich!

What about you and your family? Do you enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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