Minimalist Shoes for Kids: New Balance Minimus

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M New Balance Minimus

I have mentioned many times that I myself wear barefoot shoes. I am coming up on my year anniversary from making the switch from clunky and bulky athletic shoes to my vivobarefoot neo’s. Knowing the benefit of barefoot shoes and how they have helped me with strength and posture, I wanted to provide the same for my boys. However, they go through shoes rather quickly! I am not willing to pay more than $40 for a pair of shoes for the boys for two reasons: they grow too quickly  and they scuff their toes wearing out the shoe quickly.

New Balance Minimus

After much research, I found the New Balance Minimus PreTrail Running Shoe. I ended up finding a good deal on Amazon for both boys and paid between $30 and $40 for each pair.

Bottom of New Balance Minimus

The soles of the New Balance Minimus have a lot of traction. They are flexible, yet sturdy. Since this is a trail shoe, the sole is thicker than some barefoot shoes protecting the foot from rocks. These shoes fit like a glove- supportive yet they allow the natural movement of the foot. They are also very lightweight and have a mesh like appearance.

Both of my boys really like their New Balance Minimus shoes. Capt. M says “It’s like I don’t even have shoes on!”

So far the shoes have held up well and these boys are VERY rough on their shoes.

Note that the New Balance Minimus KT20 shoes we purchased are the 2012 model which is probably why we were able to get them so inexpensively!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Hey kid will you give me a favor and take your stockings off and put your New Balance Minimus shoes on barefoot please?