Life With Boys: Snack Attack

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My boys are hungry! Yes, we do feed them often, but they still manage to constantly ask “can I have a snack?“. I can’t even imagine how much they are going to eat as teens!

Hubby and I were tired of hearing “I’m hungry” or “what’s to eat”. A couple of weeks ago a reader on the How to Have it All facebook page mentioned that she makes snack trays for her children each night. Each child gets a tray with the snacks they are allowed to eat for the day. Then child can then choose when and what they want to eat as long as it comes from the tray. I thought this was a great idea!

I found this serving tray at Dollar General for $3. It has three slots and a lid. Capt. M gets the blue slot, Mr. B the green slot and the pink slot is the “community” tray. In the community tray I place fruit and vegetables for the boys to share. Some snack ideas for the boys individual trays are crackers, cheese, trail mix, yogurt and pretzels. I usually place one item that has a sweet treat in it- today they had trail mix with M&M’s in it!

So far, this has worked out beautifully! The boys always eat their sweet treat first and by the end of the day the fruit and veggies are left. But they don’t complain and the fruits and vegetables are consumed. The boys are excited about this new snack system since it gives them some control and independence. Hubby and I like the fact that we are not constantly nagged about snack time!

What do you use for a snack system?

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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