A Hefty Decluttering Project

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40 days

Are you ready for a Hefty decluttering project for Spring Break!?! Then you’ll want to read all about 40 Bags in 40 Days 2014 Decluttering Challenge. Ann Marie really lays out the challenge to a cleaner home and a saner YOU! I (Litsa) stand firm in her statements, “I want to start a revolution against all of this stuff that everyone tries to sell us and tell us we need. Because guess what, we don’t!”

These statements are freeing when you embrace them. I (Litsa) have had six years at home to evolve into a new me about STUFF. I don’t need or want stuff to survive—to live graciously and abundantly! When we are busy working, providing for our families, and more, we tend to buy, buy, buy to fill our lives but we truly need to do the opposite. We need to purge the items that steal our joy and make room for more time together in a space we all love, our home.

So where do you fall in Ann Marie’s 40 Bags for 40 Days Challenge? I place myself under her “SHOW OFF” list because I truly think that I don’t have enough stuff for 40 bags. But I have a month or two of spring to begin this challenge ROOM by ROOM. I clean our home thoroughly room by room so using her challenge to purge even more items that may have collected in specific rooms (basement, attic, playroom, etc.) will stretch me to REALLY toss what we don’t use/need/want—what doesn’t add value to our lives!?!

I’m calling this challenge a HEFTY challenge and I’m going to use the new white bags by Hefty with gray handles because for someone that is already a purger of stuff, this challenge may be a little gray for me! However, I’m going to stretch it into my life too—–I’m going refrain from running to Kroger after a great deal on napkins when I have two packs of napkins in our pantry! I’m going to purge an hour or two online just ‘window shopping’ and looking for what to BUY. I’m going to toss into my bag a free day of laundry so that I’m more focused on my daughter than keeping up with laundry for the day—one or two days off of laundry duty is acceptable this spring for this challenge!

So are you in the black and white mix!?! Black bag to cover up all the old clothes from high school? White bag to toss in baby clothes for a baby #4 that may or may not……We all have different desires. Different expectations…..ways of living……but we all have clutter to toss whether it is tactile stuff that gathers dust or space in our homes—-or emotional baggage or desires to shop deals or….or….or……..

We all can SHINE once the clutter is gone!

When will you begin your 40 Day Challenge of decluttering your life!?!

Project Credit: 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge


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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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  1. […] family budget should begin to align which questions you should be asking yourself. Declutter this season and leave excess STUFF at the stores. Don’t bring it home if you don’t need it or […]