Frames, Frames, Frames

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FramesDo you enjoy displaying your family’s photographs in artistic frames!?! Then, you will want to meet the Frame Guy! He’s located in Dyersburg, Tennessee. His custom frames beckon you to have at least two to display in your home! They come in various sizes and/or colors! You can choose your custom frame too! And what better time than now—-

We’re two months away from Christmas—or 67 days away! But you’ll want to have the frames at your doorstep before then to select the perfect photographs for them—–and you may even need enough time to order a replacement if you choose to keep the frame for yourself!?!

If you are interested in ordering a custom, artistic frame for yourself and/or gifts please contact the Frame Guy on Facebook or


Note: Shipping costs will have to be paid in full by the consumer since this is a small side business. You can expect most of the smaller frames to ship at the cost of/around $20 and larger frames to ship at the cost of/around $30. All shipping costs must be paid for in advance along with the frame’s cost prior to orders being expedited to you.

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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