Fitness: Ditch the Scale

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Being fit doesn’t necessarily coincide with a specific weight. So many people focus on reaching a certain weight instead of feeling physically good.

So I say, ditch the scale!

Body weight will fluctuate from day to day depending on how much water you drink, what type of food you eat and your physical activity. Women, you might also notice a gain in weight during your cycle. Just because you see the scale tick up a pound or two or three; does not mean that you are failing at your goal of becoming healthy.

Focus less on what the scale says and more on how you feel. Do you see your body changing? Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel more energetic? Are the aches and pains lessening?

Also keep in mind that as you gain muscle, you might see an increase in weight. I know you have heard it before, but muscle truly does weigh more that fat!

Now I am not saying never weigh yourself. I do weigh myself out of habit. But I don’t fixate on the numbers. I fluctuate up and down 1-3 pounds from day to day. I have stayed at a similar weight with the small fluctuates for about four months now. The interesting thing is that my body has completely changed in those four months! I have a lot more muscle and I have gone down a clothing size.

Don’t get upset by the numbers on the scale; they are just numbers. Focus on how you FEEL; that’s what matters the most!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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