Digital Detox!?!

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sufferingMy husband loves to watch Fox News—and the newscasters always bring a smile to my face with their witty remarks. As 7:00 approaches though, I switch over Fox News to the local channel for the weather. Many times, I don’t even process the weather report or remember if I heard the words, “Digital Detox” on Fox News or the Today Show!?! Maybe, I didn’t want to hear them. Digital Detox—How!?! Who Me!?! When!?! What’s the prescription!?! Could I!?! Would I!?!

When I wake, I start my morning…..and in those first 10 minutes, I’ve touched my cell phone and my laptop. Usually, I don’t hear the news—really hear because (A) I haven’t enjoyed my coffee yet. (B) I’m not awake. (C) My husband was talking to me about the news. (D) I’m buried in my digital drama. My husband is so loving. He tells me ALL the time that I have to have someone to blame—-usually HIM. But this time, I can’t or can I!?! He bought me my laptop several years ago. I love my laptop. It’s by far the best electronic purchase ever—-next to my camera! Yes both my camera and my laptop are favorites above my cell phone! But really, can I blame anyone but me…..

Today’s age and time. Things are different now. Okay, maybe I can blame TODAY or maybe the economy because it’s so bad that I have to stay in so as not to use gas, buy things that I love at the store, or……..Or maybe, my digital attraction comes from being a stay at home mom!?! I need a job. Oh! More digital drama—–smartboards, ipads, and more—-there’s no telling how many catchphrases that I’m missing with technology in the classroom (plus 20+ children in my classroom—oh my! Then, I’ll need more than a digital detox!)!!

Blogging, reading, writing, searching for deals as I coupon and more…….all encompass my digital days. Pinterest. Recipes. Online shopping. Facebook. The list is just too long to list. I’m already trying to think how I’ll pull off my own personal digital detox. Wasn’t it just a month ago that a friend and I enjoyed time together with our girls that we planned on getting offline more only to find ourselves online MORE!?! I traveled to Florida in October. My laptop traveled with me. I vacationed in Greece; my laptop traveled with me then too. Where there’s WIFI my laptop thinks she must go too! But this time….

This Thanksgiving week, I’m traveling and my laptop. Well, don’t tell her but she’s going to stay home. Shhh!! And as for me, I’m going COLD TURKEY.

Digital Detox Prescription for Litsa: Saturday, November 23rd to Saturday, November 3oth–No internet–(i.e. Pinterest, Facebook, Apps, & More)—-most thankful!!

What about you? Do you need or want a digital detox?

Photo Credits: Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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