A Clothesline: Doorknobs and Hooks

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clothes to dry

The doorknobs and hooks in and around our house tend to ‘catch’ my clothes that don’t need to be placed in the dryer! With the washer and dryer downstairs in the basement, I tend to want my clothes washed/dried and replaced in my closet/drawers quickly. Most days the laundry is completed before I go to bed (small family) except for these workout clothes and/or delicate lace/linen pieces of clothing that I keep buying even though I know that they don’t work well in the dryer!

If I (Litsa) have several loads to dry, I can usually hang my clothes by the dryer to dry quicker but sometimes that is just not the case. The sun is intense now and the dry summer winds work great on drying clothes quickly. However, I need a REAL clothesline. Outdoors….

Greece 2011 066

A clothesline like my mother’s in Greece…..And just maybe that’s the underlining reason….I am my mother. Or is it that I want to conserve energy? Or save money so that I’m not replacing ‘shrinking’ clothes? Whatever, my REAL reasoning is or maybe it’s just ‘all of the above’, I really would like a clothesline! A small one outdoors that I can utilize when I want to and/or need to on hot, warm days.

Now there’s a voice that I hear that’s associated with clotheslines!?! Yes! My mother’s voice! Whenever I was helping her hang clothes out to dry in the village (Greece), she always wanted the panties with the underwear, the socks with the socks, etc. Controlling!?! Maybe but everyone in the village line drys their clothes in order.

Now, my mother has a dryer in the village.

The clothes are all tossed inside without so much orderliness.

Where do you ‘hang dry’ your delicate clothing?

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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