Blogger Thank You & Follow Friday

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In the world of twitter, Friday’s are known as Follow Friday or #FF or #FollowFriday. It is a chance to tweet about your favorite friends and hopefully attract new followers for them. This week I thought I would post about my wonderful blogging friends and give them a shout out! My blogging group has been amazingly supportive and helpful- I appreciate each one of them.

Take a moment and visit some of my favorite blogging friends.

Coupons, Deals and More– Ann is someone that I admire and lookup to. She is full of wonderful tips, the queen of drugstore deals and one of the most helpful people I know. Ann and I have met a couple of times in real life and I can’t wait to see her again at BlogHer ’11!

Grocery Shop For Free– Dian is my number one cheerleader. She is always there with positive words of encouragement. I can’t wait to meet her this summer at BlogHer ’11.

Coupon Teacher– Shelly is a sweetheart! She works full-time like myself and understands the time limitations it brings. Shelly has a loving heart and cherishes the kiddos she teaches. She has been very helpful to me and provided support.

Kansas City Mamas– Kelly is hilarious! She has a wonderful sense of humor and has made me laugh out loud so many times (makes me look insane as I stare at the computer screen laughing!). Kelly also provides helpful ideas on connecting with PR people and making media kits.

Give Me Neither– Sarah is my wonderful blog designer responsible for this beautiful site! She has done a fantastic job as I gave her very little information about what I wanted.

Saving the Family Money– Karen is someone that has your back no matter what. She is always willing to provide support when things go wrong. Karen was a huge help in getting the Simply Organized Series going.

Savings and Stewardship– Alecia is full of energy and talks a mile a minute! She has a heart of gold and I was thankful Alecia was my roommate last year at BlogHer ’10. Alecia is a PR guru with lots of tips on networking with the PR people.

A Few Shortcuts– Amanda is my inspiration for cooking more! I always drool when I visit her blog and see her wonderful recipes! Amanda also worked a ton on the ideas behind the Simply Organized Series.

Stockpiling Moms– Melissa has been a great source for networking ideas. She has had amazing success with her blog in a short time. I can’t wait to learn more from her!

Spectacular Savings– Heather is another working mom that can sympathize with me on how time consuming blogging can be. She also provides a lot of positive encouragement when I need it the most.

These ladies are simply amazing and I don’t know what I would do with out them! If you are a blogger, I strongly suggest that you form a support group with other bloggers. Having a support system and someone to bounce ideas off of has benefited each and everyone of us.

Thank you ladies, I couldn’t have done it with out you!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Hey there! I just wanted to say hello!! I am in central, VA as well and found your site from Stockpiling mom’s. I am new to couponing so I am just learning the ropes, thankful to have found your site!

  2. I agree that having a group of supportive bloggers is so important. Especially on those days where nothing seems to be going right.

  3. Renae you are the best! Thank you so much for the kind words.

  4. Aww, Thanks Friend! I know you always have my back too. That’s what bloggy friends do! Your new site is Beautiful!

  5. Thanks Renae! You know I think you are great!

  6. Thanks so much for believing in me to design your site and being my 1st big project. I had so much fun!

  7. Awww, thanks Renae! What a nice thing to open up and read! Thank you for all of your support!!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sara and Judy Durbin, Renae Chiovaro. Renae Chiovaro said: Blogger Thank You & Follow Friday: In the world of twitter, Friday’s are known as Follow… […]