Save Money: Ebates & Bing

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bingAre you planning to shop this weekend……but wait gas is reaching soaring HEIGHTS and you have some Spring Cleaning or YARD WORK to finish!?! What to do!?! Call in orders online now while you still have a little quiet time—-save gas money and earn a BIG FAT CHECK back with all your online purchases?!

IF you want to shop online do so by taking advantage of  EBATES. You can use Ebates to earn money back on your personal & family purchases. And then use your Ebates referral link to invite, invite, invite friends to earn even more money!

Now, that is my kind of deal! Shop and get paid back!?! It only takes a few minutes to sign up with Ebates if you don’t have an account.

No need to shop now! Just make your shopping list and shop later……when the need arises!

Join Ebates! But also…..don’t forget about signing up for BING! It’s a great way to earn rewards without buying anything! Everyday I use Bing while enjoying a cup of coffee. Click, click, click….I earn my points for the day and each day they add up! What does that mean for me? An Amazon gift card worth $5—-emailed to my inbox instantly! I use my cards weekly but you can have them add up for a special gift to yourself and/or a loved one!

Now you can earn even more! You can use BING on your smartphone to earn more points DAILY and not only that….You can use BING on TUESDAY to earn DOUBLE points this month! Yes. That does mean cashing out more often! I love my Amazon cards but you may choose something different to enjoy!

Earn more this year!

Photo Credit Bing

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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