Kroger Closeouts: Staples for the Pantry

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coffeeCoffee—Seattle’s Best for only $2.10 was found at Kroger today (in West TN)! Additionally, if you are a TEA drinker, you’ll want to LOOK there too! I found K-cups for an English Breakfast Tea, a Twinings Brand for only $1.85 and it paired well with a coupon that I had in my binder.

honeyHoney— It reminds me of the Berenstain bears chasing after honey from the honey tree!?! And I love, love, love LOCAL HONEY but this was a great price for recipes with honey in them like my favorite Greek Christmas cookies and/or my Healthy Granola Mounds—-there’s always a use for extra honey at an affordable price!

peanut butter….and Kroger peanut butter at only $0.45 is a treat for those that love peanut butter. It is creamy and works well in recipes too. It’s not my Justin’s Almond Butter but I like using this one in my granola too! And the price streeeetche$$$$$$$ our grocery budget!

Do you KEEP a grocery budget and within it do you allow for room for grocery closeout prices!?! You may want to consider an extra $20 set aside for deals like these!! Today, $23.24 bought four bags of coffee, 3 bottles of honey, and 6 lbs of peanut butter.

Kroger closeouts for stockpiling the pantry are always welcomed!

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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