Cats Really Do Have Nine Lives

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We had a close call with our cat Charlie this week. He is an curious 12 year old cat who has been in trouble more times than I can count. He has survived all kinds of mishaps and luckily he survived this one too!

We returned home on Saturday afternoon from a short getaway. We unloaded the car and then hubby and Capt. M rushed off to baseball practice. It was the first warm day in a long time so the animals were all basking in the sun; including Charlie. I was busy that evening doing laundry and organizing the items from the trip that I never thought about the cat again.

Sunday about midday, hubby asked me if I had seen Charlie. I thought for a minute, “No not since yesterday. Didn’t you feed him this morning?”

Hubby replies “No. And I didn’t see him last night either.”

Me “Wait a minute, he didn’t eat last night? Why didn’t you tell me then?”

This cat never misses a meal. Never. He lives to eat.

I start searching and calling for him to no avail. Fast forward to Sunday afternoon at about 3:45. Hubby and Capt. M are leaving for baseball practice again. Hubby opens the car door and is greeted with an awful smell. He then realizes it’s cat poop- I know so gross! And there on the back floorboard is Charlie!

He spent 24 hours locked in a car and the temperature was in the 70’s outside. The car was pretty hot inside but thankfully Charlie fared well. With a little water and food, he was back to normal in no time.

SO! If you are ever missing an animal, make sure to check the car! I never in a million years would have thought to check there. We will be more cautious with those car doors from now on.

And as far as Charlie goes, I have lost track of how many lives he has used up, but I am quite certain cats really do have nine lives!

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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