Daddy Daycare: The Paper Trail

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Capt. M brings a pile of paperwork home from school every. single. day.

Now I am not talking about a sheet or two. I mean a pile! The piles on our kitchen table are from the last two days. TWO DAYS!

We quickly learned at the beginning of the school year that there is no way we could keep all of his school work. We would need to build an addition on the house- a special room for Capt. M’s paperwork! Okay, maybe it’s not that much, but you get the point.

So, we save some of the cool projects, his first writing assignments and his assessments. The rest of the stuff gets put int he trash, burn barrel or recycle. Capt. M does not know this occurs. He has never asked where his papers go, so we don’t tell! He is a sensitive type and he would be upset.

Yesterday Capt. M was putting something in the trash when I hear him say, “What in the world? Who put my school work in here?”

Uh oh.

Hubby didn’t bury the paperwork. Disposing of the paper trail is an art- carefully placing papers in the right spot so little eyes don’t see!

Capt. M continues, “I bet Mr. B put them in here. Mr. B why did you do that?”

Since there was no argument from Mr. B, hubby replied “I bet Mr. B accidentally picked up those papers with his trash from the craft we were doing.”

So the paper trail was retrieved, hubby was in the clear and poor little Mr. B was the scape goat!

Does anyone else have to deal with disposing of TONS of schoolwork?

Hubby is currently a stay at home dad to our two boys. Capt. M is 5 and in Kindergarten and Mr. B is 3 and loves staying home with daddy all day. Join us as we chronicle our journey adjusting to daddy daycare.


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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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