The Difference Between a Mole & a Vole

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A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a “mole” problem in our garden. I found tunnels all through the garden and my plants were being ruined. Determined to take back my garden from these pests, we bought mole traps.

We caught nothing.

Mole Hole

I came home one evening to find a beet half eaten next to a hole in the garden. I was so MAD. I had planned to pick that particular beet for juicing!

The research I had done on moles said that they are carnivores. Moles eat grubs, insects and worms. So who was eating my garden plants?

The research now pointed to the vole. A vole is a little smaller than a mole and it is a vegetarian. Voles tend to be opportunists and use the moles tunnels. Moles on the other hand do most of the digging with their strong front feet.

Since we correctly identified the garden pest, we decided to set mousetraps with fruit and birdseed. We have caught three voles in the mousetraps. Our dog Clemens has also caught two voles and two moles. Yes, we apparently have both pests!

The good news is the garden destruction has subsided for now. We will have to keep a close eye for new holes though.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Gary Arlit says:

    A good female mouser( cat) has always worked wonders for us!