Garden Update: Volunteer Cucumber & Tomato Plants

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Volunteer Cucumber

The garden is starting to take off! After a slow start due to cold weather, the seedlings are starting to take off. And to my surprise, there are some volunteer plants coming up! Volunteer plants come from the previous years plantings. We have volunteer cucumbers mixed in with the sweet peas. I also found a volunteer tomato plant which surprised me since the weather is not idea for tomatoes! I will take all of the volunteers I can get!


The spinach has really taken off this week. Of course the weeds have taken off too! It’s a constant battle trying to keep the weeds down. At the end of this season I want to grow a cover crop in the winter to hopefully choke out many of the weeds.


The lettuce is looking lovely too. Hopefully it will be productive before the weather warms and the lettuce wants to bolt.


Since I have new love for beets, I decided to try to grow some this year! This is a new crop for me so we shall see how successful it is.

During the Spring I like to weed the garden myself. Sure there are enough weeds to get the kids and hubby involved. However, I don’t want to risk pulling out seedlings or volunteer plants. I have learned by experience- even hubby can’t tell the difference between a vegetable plant and a weed! So, my weekends will be spent digging in the dirt weeding!

How is your garden growing?

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. Botanic Bleu says:

    It’s so much fun finding plants that you didn’t plant. Good luck with both your volunteer plants and the ones you planted.
