Dr. Oz’s 5-Day Feel Great Plan

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After I (Litsa) had gained 50 plus pounds on my first (and last) pregnancy, I summed it up as pregnancy!?! I tackled the baby stage and dropped pounds but I didn’t have the energy levels I wanted nor did I fit into my size 6 clothing. I found that my little one loved to stroll. As we ventured out for daily walks, I found my joy for being outdoors walking. I began to maintain a steady pace in my week walking even after we shed the stroller.

The toddler years vanished as did many of the processed foods that I was eating. Juicing and clean eating began to fill in the crevices for me. Energy levels soared. Healthy bodies emerged (two because my little 6.5 year is a healthy eater and a moving machine) and habits remained. Now at forty, I love who I am and I love my body. Neither I, nor my body are perfect be we FEEL GREAT—and a size 4 now fills my closet and small tops (sizes I had never worn before)!?! Thus, when I found this little 5-Day Feel Great Plan card that Dr. Oz created, I wanted to share it with you over the course of the next few days—to encourage you to find the self that FEELS GREAT! It is worth it–even if you don’t begin to see results right away! Repeat the daily tips until they become a part of you and vow that 2015 is your year to feel great from the inside out!

spring green juice

Throughout these next few days, I’ll share tips and reflections with you to Boost Brain Power, Rev Your Metabolism, Strengthen Your Immunity, Sleep Like a Baby, and Slow Down Aging. Now that I’m actually Four.Zero., I’m definitely not going to miss out on Day 5’s slowing down aging tidbits. I have too much to live for and you do too! Additionally, I wouldn’t miss the other tips too! When we as individuals clean up our eating/drinking habits there’s no reason to let ourselves go back to the old. It is all about learning to try something new and keep the bits and pieces of exercising, eating—-living that make you feel alive.

Who’s ready to make 2015 the year to FEEL GREAT?

Credit to Dr. Oz’s Feel Great Plan & Woman’s Day Insert

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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