Giveaway: Pocoyo Fun & Games DVD

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One of my little guys favorite shows is Pocoyo on Nick Jr. The new Pocoyo DVD Fun & Games is being released April 3, 2012 and we were lucky enough to get an advanced copy! Since we are leaving on a jet plane in just a few days, this will be a perfect DVD to take along for some entertainment for the long flight.

I wanted to call your attention to Earth Hour on March 31, 2012 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm local time. What would you be willing to do to help save the planet? You can view a You Tube video about Earth Hour and find out how you can participate.  Pocoyo will be donating trees when people play the Pocoyo’s Recycle Game available on their website.

To get started on hosting your own POCOYO FUN & GAMES Earth Hour Party, here are some easy tips for planning the perfect Earth-friendly party:

  • Make invitations out of recycled paper or send an email invite.
  • Use organic and locally sustained food.
  • Serve finger foods to skip using plates and utensils, and use cloth napkins that can be washed and used again.
  • Make dishes that don’t require the oven or electricity to prepare.
  • Be creative with food, ie, licorice ends can be cut off to make edible straws for the kids.
  • Family craft project – try making the special Keepsake holder out of an old cereal box (see instructions below).
  • Have a nighttime, outdoor, eco-friendly scavenger hunt by flashlight – hunt for recyclable items like milk cartons, egg cartons, etc.  Once the items are found, explain how they are used for recycling and to save our environment.
  • Have a recycled book exchange for the kids and adults, instead of favors.
  • Have fun and remember to have enough candles and flashlights for everyone to see!


One How to Have it All reader will win a Pocoyo Fun & Games DVD.

How to Enter

Enter by leaving a comment on this post. If you are reading this via email or RSS Feed, you will need to click over to the post HERE. There are THREE entries per person. You must leave a separate comment for each entry. The winner will be drawn at random on March 31, 2012.

  • 1st Entry: What earth friendly activity can you think of?
  • 2nd Entry: Follow me on facebook or twitter. If you already do, just leave a comment saying so.
  • 3rd Entry: Subscribe via email or RSS feed. If you already do, just leave a comment saying so.

Disclosure: I was provided an advance copy of Pocoyo Fun & Games DVD. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. My daughter is almost two so we are learning how to recycle by making separete bins and learning what goes into each bin.

  2. recycling!!!

  3. email subscriber
    Lori Thomas recently posted..LucyPhoneMy Profile

  4. Recyling is the first that comes to mind.
    Thank you!

  5. I follow on facebook
    jackievillano at gmail dot com