Time to Start Planting Vegetable Seeds

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start seeds

If you are planning a vegetable garden for this summer, it is time to start sowing your seeds indoors. We usually buy a lot of our plants since I don’t have a lot of room to start the seeds. I did have a few seed packets and decided to start some tomatoes and eggplant indoors. Most seeds can be started indoors about six weeks prior to the last frost. This will give you a jump start on the growing season!

Some plants do not do well with transplanting. For example, carrots, turnips, beans, peas and corn do not do well with transplanting. It is best to start those seeds directly in the garden when the weather is at the correct temperature for the crop. Carrots and peas are cold hardy and we have already planted some.

To start your seeds indoors, gather nutrient rich soil, containers, seeds, a tray and water. Plant seeds according to package directions. Make sure the soil stays moist and the containers are placed in a sunny window. I place my containers on a cookie sheet to collect any extra moisture.

I can’t wait to see the little sprouts in a few days! Hopefully Capt. M will then understand why I have dirt in the house!

What are you planting this year? Are you starting from seed or from plant?

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Renae is a married working mom of two handsome boys. She works as a registered dental hygienist by day and blogs here at How to Have it All by night. She enjoys cooking from scratch, working in her vegetable garden and functional training.

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  1. I did tomato seed last year sort of by accident…my Sister-I-L is addicted to dollar stores and sent the kids seed kits for Easter…these were clearly very old, but the kids wanted to do it so we did. I was SHOCKED. Most plentiful tomato plant ever!
    The difference was the kits had lids…the lids looked EXACTLY like slurpy lids…the domes, like you might get at Target Cafe. So, I’m treating the kids and saving the domes. !!! this really kept the moisture and warmth in…I took the domes off once the leaves started touching hte sides of the dome. Try it, at least for some of your seeds.

    • Thanks for the tip Debi! I did use a kit last year with a dome and it worked well. I didn’t want to invest in a a kit this year but I will have to look around my house for something to use instead! Thank you!

  2. Unfortunately, I don’t have a yard in my apartment. :( However, regarding your last question, I’m planting punctuality seeds this year, in hopes of reaping positive professional vibes and (fingers crossed) a promotion! :)

    • Hi Francesca,
      One thing you can plant even in an apartment is an herb garden. Just place in the window seal. Fresh herbs are great to cook with! Punctuality seeds are good too! :)

  3. This time last year we had about 96 plants on our table, nowhere to eat. Then we planted more and had to put them in our “green house bathroom.” Key to planting a good garden: 1. Plant only on a “FULL” moon. In about 4 days you’ll start seeing sprouts. I used Styrofoam cups from Ingles that were B1G1F (small coffee size) I paid about 70 cents for 2 packs of 100 cups. Purchased my seeds when they were 4/$1.00 . Then I purchased the multipurpose potting soil from the dollar store 10lbs and Epsom Salt as fertilizer and nutrients $2.00 That was it I wouldn’t say I put no more than $5.00 into my indoor garden. Then around mother’s day I planted it into the hand dug garden spot. You talk about hard work. Whew! We had lots of cucumbers, squash, butter beans, 1/2 runner green beans, crowder peas, tomatoes, and cabbage (something ate that.) Then when our garden died we turn our spot into a compost pile. Putting sticks, leaves, tea bags, fruit peelings, potato peelings, etc. Taking the hoe and working it into the ground. We watered our spot at least 2 a month. I haven’t ever seen a garden do so well. But those are my tips hope someone somewhere can use them. :D

    • Hi Tanesha,
      Your garden sounds fabulous! I have never heard the tip about the full moon- interesting! Yes, gardening is hard work but so worth it! Nothing better than a homegrown tomato or cucumber! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  4. I have to admit. I don’t start my garden from seeds. Between blogging and teaching,, I am lucky to have a garden. I can’t wait to get those plants in the ground!!


  1. […] will have an update on our seeds we started a couple of weeks ago. If you need some help getting started with a vegetable garden check out my […]

  2. […] couple of weeks ago I planted tomato and eggplant seeds indoors to get a head start on my garden. I am happy to report that the little plants have sprouted! It is […]