15 Foods with 75 Grams of Fiber +

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March 2013’s Better Nutrition reminded me that fiber is hidden in many delicious foods. Are you getting the recommended 30-45 grams of fiber per day? Our ancestors had 75 grams of fiber per day or more. Fiber lowers cholesterol, reduces blood sugar, promotes weight loss, and decreases the risk of some cancers.

If you’ll focus on 5 to seven of the fifteen foods listed below, you can easily reach your healthy daily fiber goal:

Navy Beans: 1 cup = 19 grams

Blackberries: 1 cup = 8 grams

Chia Seeds: 1 ounce = 11 grams

Lima Beans: 1 cup = 13 grams

Avocado: 1 medium = 9 grams

Chickpeas: 1 cup = 12 grams

Broccoli: 1 cup = 6 grams

Asian pears: 1 medium = 10 grams

Pumpkin: 1 cup = 7 grams

Artichoke:  1 medium = 10 grams

Dried apricots: ½ cup = 5 grams

Lentils: 1 cup = 15 grams

Green peas: 1 cup = 9 grams

Raspberries: 1 cup = 11 grams

Collards: 1 cup = 8 grams

You can choose to eat many of these fruits and vegetables raw and/or select a recipe from the recipe index for a little variety to your meal planning.

Enjoy your fiber today!

Credit: Better Nutrition Magazine & Lisa Turner

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Litsa is a stay at home mom to a beautiful little girl. She is a native of Greece and now resides in Tennessee. As a former teacher, Litsa wears many hats that it takes to make a home a functioning home!

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